Worship Resources
Over the years I have developed a number of worship resources, especially bilingual (Spanish/English). A liturgy in Spanish which I composed was published in the LCMS hymnal Cantad al Señor and appears in both English and Spanish below. I also translated into Spanish the Now the Feast liturgy composed by Marty Haugen and the liturgy of Setting 2 from the ELCA hymnal Evangelical Lutheran Worship, and translated into English the liturgy used by the Lutheran Church in El Salvador. In all of these cases, the translations have been designed to be sung with the same music of the original liturgy.
Much of this work has been done for the Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd. Below are some of the liturgical resources I have developed. Feel free to download and use them, although of course it is important to respect the copyright of the originals when they are used. Because in our bilingual services we use a variety of confessions of sins and creeds, those are included below. I have left many of them in MS Word format so that they can be copied and formatted as you like.
One of the things I have learned over the many years in which we have done bilingual services is to have the translations alongside each other, but generally not to repeat the same parts of the liturgy in both languages, since that gets repetitive and long. Therefore, when I designed the worship booklet we use at Good Shepherd, in addition to putting the liturgical texts in two columns alongside each other, the hymn stanzas often alternate between English and Spanish. Because English is not written phonetically and people who do not know the language well therefore often do not know how to pronounce the English words, for the hymns I have included in small italics underneath each line of the English stanzas of hymns an approximate equivalent of how the English would be pronounced with the use of Spanish characters. I do not do the same for the Spanish text because Spanish is written phonetically.
I have all of the piano/organ accompaniments to the hymns and liturgies and they are available on request—just send me an email.
I have placed a couple of videos of one of our worship services at Good Shepherd from several years back. See them here: PART ONE PART TWO