Thanks for visiting my web page! I’m glad to be able to share here with others the work I do. Those interested in my work will find news, photos, presentations, sermons, and a great deal of other material here.

For my biblical and theological work, including information on my books, please visit my other website at: https://94t.mx, which I have recently redesigned. You may especially enjoy learning more about my most recent book, which is titled The Parting of the Gods: Paul and the Redefinition of Judaism. There is also plenty of material there from my two-volume work Jesus’ Death in New Testament Thought (2018).

Part of the material on this website is in Spanish, designed especially for my students, but even if you don’t read Spanish, you may enjoy the photos. Our latest newsletters appear below and are also available on the Newsletters link at left.

If you have time, you may also enjoy watching the video of my presentation at the Luther Colloquy of United Lutheran Seminary on the Gettysburg, Pennsylvania campus on October 30, 2019. The video is available by clicking HERE.

Please feel free to write to me at any time! I would love to hear from you!